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Next Big Thing
in Cybersecurity
Skill Development
is Here!

Custom Curriculum Mapping

Outprogram architects help you assess the skill gaps in your teams, and then customizes a learning path that adresess those gaps. 

We can even work with our industry leading authors to create special programs for your team.

Custom Course Development

You can also design and assign different learning paths to different groups with in your  your organization to target specific knowledge gaps

Assign Personal Learning Paths



Untitled-1 C us t om C urriculum M apping O ur p r o g r am a r chi t e c ts help y ou assess the s k ill gaps in y our t eam s , and then cus t omi z es a learning p a th th a t ad r esess those gap s .
Untitled-1 C us t om C ourse D e v elopme n t W e c an e v en w o r k with our indust r y leading authors t o c r e a t e s p ecial p r o g r ams f or y our t eam.
Untitled-1 A ssign P ersonali z ed L earning P a ths Y ou c an also design and assign di ff e r e n t learning p a ths t o di ff e r e n t g r oups with in y our o r ganiz a tion t o ta r get s p ecific k n o wledge gaps
In-House Hackathons
Team Projects
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Introducing a revolutionary new career track for aspiring and current Penetration Testers who seek greatness!

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Transitioning from CEH to CPENT


Network Security

Perimeter Security


Product DNA

IoT Security

Cloud Security

Mobile Security

Virtualization Security

Key Technologies


Network Security Architecting, designing, segmenting, hardening network and services ports .

Secure firewall design,  implementations, deployment, administration, IDS/IPS deployments.

Adaptive and Defense- in- depth network security strategies

Securing IoT-enabled IT environments.

Securing Cloud IT environments, Securing Aws, Azure, GCP cloud environments, etc.

Enterprise mobile security, mobile device security.

VLAN Security, SDN, NFV, Container, Docker, Kubernetes security


Network scanning techniques to identify network flaws, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, attack vectors, banner grabbing, etc.

Firewall Exploitation/Evasion techniques.

Ethical Hacking lifecycle

IoT Hacking techniques, Identifying and Accessing Local IoT Devices, SDR-Based Attacks on IoT, Fault Injection Attacks.

Cloud hacking techniques, Enumerating S3 Buckets, Kubernetes etc, Exploiting Misconfigured AWS S3 Buckets, Hacking Container Volumes.

Rooting techniques, jailbreaking techniques, hacking Android and iOS devices, etc.

Serverless Security Risk 

Container Vulnerabilities, Kubernetes Vulnerabilities


Auditing target network against network vulnerabilities and attack vectors.

Firewall Security assessment.

Penetration Testing Methodologies

Assessing IoT devices  against vulnerabilities, weaknesses.

Cloud security assessment, Assessing AWS, Azure, GCP cloud environment, etc.

Assessing mobile device security

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